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}} Wo-hoo
from Alek
01 Maerz 2014
Heeeey Lieblings!! New day, new updayte, ahah sorry for the wisecrack... but I’m so happy
I mean, I’m so happy right now, I’m such an happy person, I mean, ahah, I finally ended up the first exam session of the year with two 30/30, eheh

Next one is around the corner - in July I’m gonna have 6 exams.... oh god, but you know! I like to live the moment...

Let’s talk about the pretty massive update. Today I want you to see these pretty textures I personally made yesterday/the day after it. I find the Glass Effect ones and the Embossed Textures quite interesting, they worth a lot of work, ahahah; I made on my own, starting with the pic of a Sea the 2 Wood Effect Textures, so, nothing else to say, I suppose!

Hope you liked them, leave a message in the Cbox on the left or a comment below to say what do you think about these, xoxo Alek!

}} Look who is here!
from Alek
26 Februar 2014
Good afternoon dear ones!
First of all I want to apologize for my long-time-no-see on here - I've been missing on my website too!

More or less I'll try to be more present in the respect of the whole team but I've many things to do everyday... like, you know, studying, drawing, sewing a lot of clothes - yep! I study fashion design!, going to work, et cetera, et cetera ad infinitum so! I seriously have such a few time to do graphics!!

Hope you will understand.
Anyway let's talk about the last update: I made two animated/gif signatures I am sure you will find pretty interesting, the first is based on "We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus, the second one on "Pour It Up" by Rihanna!! To make the other four signatures I used Azealia Banks video 'Liquorice' and two other photoshoots I don't remember clearly, ahah!

If you find this interesting, feel free to leave a comment!!

Ps: Entschuldige aber ich spreche kein deutsch, but it's way too difficult for me! :)

}} Loneliness loneliness, it just a waste of your time
from Blue
07 Februar 2014
Nabend ihr Lieben :)
Heute schreibe ich einfach mal ein Update, da ich das letzte mal keine Zeit dafür hatte xD

Für mich beginnt jetzt das letzte halbe Jahr Schule, bevor ich dann hoffentlich studieren gehen kann. Ich würde sehr gern Grafikdesign/Mediendesign studieren und muss mich bald mal bewerben. Kennt jemand gute Fachhochschulen in NRW?

Wie ich schon letzten Monat auf Facebook angekündigt habe, funktionieren die Comments und das Askus wieder :) Außerdem habe ich vor einiger Zeit mal zwei Wallpaper hochgeladen.

Bring euch, neben diesen tollen Sachen, heute auch entlich die versprochene Galerie mit den alten BG Design mit.

Mich würde mal interessieren, ob die alten Hasen unter euch, noch das ein oder andere wieder erkennen. Postet es mir doch einfach in die Comments.

Mata ne,

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